3 Best Ways for STD Treatment

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STD are diseases caused by viral or bacterial infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact. STD can affect sexually active men and women of all ages and backgrounds.

People who are aware of STD may experience social, emotional and psychological stress. But there is more to STD than stress. These diseases are serious sexual health problems that may cause permanent damage such as infertility. If not given proper attention, STDs may even lead to serious complications and even lose life.

This article is about how to treat sexually transmitted diseases with 3 cool remedies.


Treatment 1 – Simple and Safe Natural Remedy

std treatmentThis is the simplest and safe way to treat your STD with real effectiveness.

Why this is simple? Because this remedy is using raw vegetable juice and it is very effective if you can drink at least 550 ml per day.

There has been an expert doing an experiment: he loaded a test bottle with bacterial, and put a drop of vegetable juice into the bottle, he discovered that all bacterial are eliminated instantly. This experiment confirmed that vegetable juice can get rid of bacterial and is the good way for STD treatment.

std treatmentHow to do?

  1. Buy a blender and make vegetable smoothie every day. Why blender not juicer? Because vegetable juice with the remaining residue is better than without the rest. The proper format should be like a smoothie/milkshake.
  2. The specific vegetables and fruit to be used are: carrots, celeries, and banana. The proportions are: 50% of root (carrots), 50% of leaves (celeries). At least drink 350 to 550 ml a day, and more is better. Put 4 to 6 oz milk into the blender when making your vegetable smoothie (or milkshake). Do not add any sugar.
  3. In order to be benefit to your body, you have to drink the smoothie within 20 minutes after made it. If you do not drink shortly, it will be oxidized with air, and will harm your health.
  4. One issue you should pay attention is: if your liver is not too well, you should not use this therapy or should drink less. Because carrots contain high vitamin A, which is not too well for liver wellness.

The main STD treatment effects from this natural treatment are:

It can help to eliminate smelly, to eliminate germ, and eliminate pain. It can change and regenerate cells and let you recovering from sickness.


Treatment 2 – Green Propolis Natural Remedy

std treatmentThe second way for healing STD is to use Green Propolis and it is proven works very well.

Apiario Silvestre Green Propolis is a precious and all natural, broad-spectrum antibiotics. Its strong antibacterial makes bees’ immune system enough to resist bacteria and viruses. And this antibacterial does not produce any antibiotics side effects.

Green Propolis is a rare and pure bee product. It is “The greatest discovery of the medicine this century”. Its main ingredients are bees collected resin substance. Resin contains many antioxidant effects of flavonoids and plant essential oils.

This unique flavonoids compounds inside the Green Propolis contain:

  • more than twenty active ingredients
  • three hundred natural ingredients
  •  thirty fatty acids
  • twenty amino acids
  • ten terpenes compounds
  • thirty more minerals (e.g. zinc, etc. )
  • lots vitamins (e.g. vitamin P, etc.)
  • and a variety of active enzyme (e.g. trypsin, etc.)

Actually what is Green Propolis?

std treatmentPropolis is a mixture of resin, beeswax, essential oils, and pollen. It is a blending of resin (collected by bees) and mandibular gland and wax gland secretions…these substances are processing repeated by bees then spread to the hive entrance, and inner wall, to maintain a relatively sterile conditions within the hive. We collect these gelatinous substances and refining them into Green Propolis.

How to take this natural medicine every day?

  • If your STD not too serious, you can take 20 drops of propolis each time and two times a day.
  • If you are very sick, you should take 30 drops each time and three times a day.
  • The Green Propolis is a little bit bitter, and when you drink it, put some honey with 1/6 cup of clean cool boiled water together (remember it is cool water), or with other liquid.

This product is very effective and after drink it, your body will be clean with comfortable effect.


Treatment 3 – Prescription Medicine Remedy

std treatmentWhen you got a STD, and go to see your doctor and doing a blood test or urine test, the doctor will prescribe you to get some antibiotic needle or pill medicines.

It is important to follow the treatment processes, because a best treatment for STD is combining prescriptive medicines and natural medicines (health supplements) together and get the best results.



Use only one kind of remedies I mentioned above is not enough. You should use all three of them, that is:  drink carrot, celery juice (550 ml or more) every day, drink Green Propolis (two to three times) every day, and take prescription medicines from doctor.

The best way to keep your body healthy is to prevent the sickness and value your life. When you have a sexial life, use a condom. It is very safe to do that. There are male or female condoms to be chosen.



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