Walking to Lose Weight Half to 1 Hour a Day

walking to lose weightWalking (one type of exercises), is effective and safe to lose weight.

Some people may ask: “Why do we walk every day and not lose too much fat”? The reasons are:

1. Walking to lose weight needs a little speed

Weight walking is different from the general walk, it takes a little speed. The speed is divided into three categories: one is faster than usual speed, the average speed of about 1 hour 4.7 km; one is the average speed of about 1 hour 6.5 km, the last one is faster racing, the average speed of 1 hour 7.4 km; Two feet becomes a straight line by fast pace, this approach is most conducive to weight loss.

2. Walk at least 30 minutes each time with speed

To help walking to lose weight, you have to pay attention to these: one is guaranteed at least 3 times a week, each time in 30 minutes to 1 hour, and there must be a fast pace to complete a considerable distance, so as to consume fat. To consume 320 kcal, you should go at least every day more than 10,000 steps.

3. Weight Loss is a combination of walking and diet

If you doing walking but not pay attention to healthy eating and drinking, weight loss effect will be very slow, even no result.

Healthy eating includes: the amount of meal is less and the content of meal should be like this: eat more green vegetables and eat less meats and carbohydrates. When you cook your foods, remember to avoid fried them, the better is using water to cook them.

Healthy drinking includes: drink 5-8 cups of clean warm boiled water (and milk, soup) a day, drink less sweet soft drinks. Drink more clean water can help metabolism that achieve losing weight.

4. Use a fitbit to track your calories consumption

Fitbit can accurately track your sleep, steps and calories and heart rate, etc…for your activities.

The Above points can help you get an effective weight loss through walking and other exercises. I walk at least one hour outdoor and sometimes even walk indoor (back and forth). Walking to lose weight is a good activity for keeping healthy life and keeping fit.

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