Best Sleeping Regimen

sleepingThe first priority on regimen is enough sleeping. If you can’t get good sleep, even though you eat well, drink well and exercise well, your health is no good.

How long is enough sleeping – how it affects your life?

Usually full sleeping hours is around 8 to 9 hours, below it like 1 to 5 hours your sleeping is not enough. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases an excess of the hormone cortisol, which breaks down skin collagen causing wrinkles and laxity, Cue a whole list of nasties such as inflammation, dry patches, and blemishes and – most worrying long term – accelerated ageing.

Half people have 6 to 8 hours to sleep. More sleeping, more energy we regain and produce; There are two sleep states: general sleep and deep sleep. In general sleep, most organs in our bodies are in rest, some still working; In deep sleep (2  to 5 hours),  almost all senescence are resting. We need more deep sleep. Sleep deprivation increase stroke and heart disease risk.  So high quality of sleep means more hours on deep sleep.

During sleep, the immunity maintains our body, refresh all our body organs; our immune system fights off colds and flu. Keep away sickness, it comes to improving health.

Sleep has a huge impact on your cortisol levels (stress hormones) which when elevated, can trigger fat storage. It’s totally cool that if you want to lose weight.

For best sleeping regime, remember this:

Never shorten or change your bedtime, keep regularly even when you are busy, quit everything and go to bed on time in the evening. Having an evening routine and a set bedtime will help your body get used to a sleeping schedule. Best bedtime is from 10 pm to 4 am.


Tips on taking a good sleep:sleep

  • Rub two hands together gently till feeling warm, then use them rub your face and head for a while.
  • Avoid eating heavy or spicy meals four to six hours before bedtime, no coffee and strong tea too.
  • Keep bedroom quiet, no big noise, no TV program, and shut down electric device and cell phone.
  • Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature (ideally, slightly cool), and well ventilated. also nice air smell, no smoke, no pet smell and hush smell; Keep dark.

If you could not take a full sleep in the evening, you can take a short napping for half hour at 1 pm to 3 pm in the afternoon at daytime, or just falling asleep at your desk with your head on your elbow. Short naps can be a powerful and highly efficient way to temporarily compensate for an inadequate night’s sleep.

Benefits of nap are:

  • Keep your mind refresh

Your feel refresh and not dull or boring after your nap, because your memory regains boost after rest. Everything returns to your head since the blood runs around your body. Taking a nap is like a system reboot. It relieves stress and gives you a fresh start. Your blood level lower down to normal after you work so stressed and so focus once you take a snap.

  • Enhances creativity

Napping can restore the sensitivity of sight, hearing, and taste. Napping also improves your creativity by relaxing your mind and allowing new associations to form in it.

  • Boosts will power

When you’re sleep deprived, your brain has an especially hard time ignoring distractions and controlling impulses. So a mid-day “power nap” can reverse the usual willpower drain from morning to night, adding that a nap can reduce stress, improve mood, and restore focus.


It is an easy time for everyone to nap for a while in the daytime, it benefits us much more, even just quiet rest or meditation can do wonders. Simple breathing exercises – like breathing slowly and counting your breaths or inhale for a count of three and exhale to a count of six, repeat – can help slow down your brain and can potentially be restorative.

Sleep plays an important role in maintaining our health, especially important during winter! So all in all, sleep is the cornerstone of any worthy beauty regime.

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