What Can We Do If Our Body Gets Lit Symptoms in Summer?

image 5What is lit Symptoms?

In summer it is easy to get the body “on fire”  which is the lit symptoms such as cheeks flushing, skin boiling and swelling, throat sore and paining, toothache and gums sore, dry stool, urine coloring yellow etc… The body is felt uncomfortable and disturbed. Why our body is changed with hot season? Chinese medicine has a saying “weather and temperature corresponding”. In high summer temperatures, the human body produces much more objects of “Yang” to adjust body temperature, so it is easier to get lit symptoms as above. Experts say, the heat is just an external incentive, in fact yin and yang imbalance on our body was caused by improper diet, plus high temperature and improper life style.

Improper diet includes: eat many spicy food, fried food…

Solution on lit Symptoms

The improving methods are drinking cool tea and water, having food with detoxification like porridge, also lower room temperature.

  1. Drink cool tea and water.

Usually cool tea and water are used to “put off fire’ in our body with high temperature.

There are many good tea as the treatment on lit symptoms in summer. such as silver chrysanthemum tea, barley tea, gardenia tea, chrysanthemum tea, lemon tea, these tea have a key role on functions of antipyretic and detoxification in hot weather, People easily getting lit symptoms can select them to drink. Iced water is very good for young people; while cool water for elder people.

       2. Have Food with detoxification like taking porridge.

Summer weather is too hot, our bodies consume a lot of water, many people will not want to have normal dinner. We recommend to replenish water by taking some porridge, which improve functions on both stomach and spleen, but also as nutritional supplements. Cool soups in the summer, you can eat millet gruel, yam porridge, green bean porridge, coix seed porridge, mint porridge, Common food in life are used to “put off body fire” as chrysanthemum, green beans, cucumber, tomato, bamboo shoots, celery, water chestnuts, water chestnuts, bitter gourd, sponge gourd, eggplant, watermelon, melon, black fish, carp, carp, duck, loach, lettuce, cabbage, bananas, white radish, fungus, chestnuts, lily, pomegranate, cherry, plum, yam, black beans, wolfberry and other foods, it may be appropriate to eat them according to actual demand.

  1. Eat more fresh vegetable and fruits.image 4

Such as water melon, cranberry, lettuce, etc., these are good for lit symptom. Lit symptom is not only in summer, as long as you eating improperly, it will appear all year around.

  1. Lower room temperature.

Right now many families install air condition to lower room temperature, some use cold or iced water like putting cool water containers in the room. If you don’t have air condition, you can go to public place with air condition. Or taking shower to adjust your body temperature. Don’t open many electronic devices at home, close your TV and computers, and relax.

How I cope with lit symptoms?

xiasangjuYou should really pay attention to lit symptoms, because it is a small illness that would likely got anytime and anywhere, even every day.

I check my tongue daily to see if it is with a white or yellow layer on it, and I will judge if my body has lit symptom or not. Also, lit symptom would have bad breath. When I suffered from lit symptom, I will drink some Chinese traditional cool tea (xiasangju), or eat water melon and lettuce, drink lots of boiled water (warm). I understand that let my body healthy without lit symptom is very important. Therefore, my tongue looked very clean every day.

This is an important regimen!

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