Tea is A Good Way to Keep Fitness

At bus stop, I talked to a mid-age woman, why you walked around, not sat on the chair while waiting for the bus for 10 minutes. She said she gained the weight and need doing more exercises. I said why you drank the tea and that was an easy way. She answered she only drank a little tea not much. She didn’t know what benefits on drinking tea. So I would like to explain the benefits on drinking tea to keep fitness.

Drinking tea takes no effort on our body and can help us stay as fit and healthy as possible while all of us are busy pay attention on our work and family. Not on maintaining our health. Green tea has zero calories, which makes it a smart beverage choice. It’s much better than soft drinks or coffee with cream and sugar. Drinking green tea gives your metabolism a boost that causes your body to burn more fat.

Tea drinking time: before or after having food, both are ok. In the morning, noon, or after supper, they are ok, not before sleeping in the evening, because you will awake. Keep drinking tea in regular time each day.

Tea Type: there are different types of teas, they all are fine for us. Don’t drink different type tea at the same time. You feel so much water on your body. Also if you drink coffee, then not drink tea, they both have so strong effect on your body while mixing them.  I like Chinese green tea. Green Tea reduces risk for skin cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and esophageal cancer. Green tea, black tea and Wulong tea reduce the risk for hypertension, lower LDL cholesterol, and raise HDL cholesterol. A cup of tea contains ½ to 1/3 the amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee. Green tea has been used by the Asians in Chinese medicine for close to 5000 years because of its unique health properties.

So make sure that you are making green tea as well as a variety of other teas every day.  Not only will they help you to maintain your fitness goals, many of them will help to calm your mind and to make you healthy from the inside out.

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